Dembrowski Art and Science is a web site about my personal dealings in art and science, but although you can find and even commission me here this web site is primarily intended for a place to learn if that is your goal, or to have fun, or to express yourself, and I not only feature my own work but have included the work of other personally known artisans and craftspeople that I feel enhance the experience of visiting this place. Since I am always looking to add new material I am always soliciting other creative minds to contribute to this site, and I am always learning new things that I like to pass on and so this site will always have new and exciting material in it. I will also have activities for children as well as adults to help encourage thought as well as to entertain. There will be lesson areas and places for you to discuss the arts and sciences with others. And although I know that there are plenty of other sites up with lesson material and discussion groups I hope my personal touch will make this a worthwhile visit.
For all of those who may have visited this page between the spring and winter of 2003 I would like to give a reason and an apology.
A Note to all Netscape users. Please read.
For more information on how to use these icons when they appear on this web site go to the site information and usage page.
My idea about web design for this particular site is to keep the technology down as much as the presentations will allow so that older browsers will have a fighting chance to display most of the content. I could have used much more scripting and other newer tools such as Macromedia Flash but my experience is that I hear more complaints about the (mis)use of these technologies, and I have also had my bad experiences with sites that ignore the user and prioritize their sites to run under certain circumstances. I do not shun the use of these tools and believe they are quite useful and entertaining at times and therefore I may choose to include these techniques if it has value in enhancing the presentation at hand or makes for an interesting and fun experience, but if I do it will not be necessary to participate in to extrude the value and meaning of the content. Although I usually set my screen resolution to 640x480 I have designed this site primarily for those running 800x600, but most of the content will stretch or shrink for your resolution, so don't concern yourself with this detail, the effect will usually only affect the pixellation of the image elements of the site and most artwork may need a little more scrolling since I will not scale art for that exact reason.
By the way: Although in the past I did all of my coding by hand in Notepad I am now using Microsoft FrontPage 2000 v4.0 on a system with a Genuine Intel PentiumIII 800mHz processor and video running a 16m color display. Although I know that this is already an old if not ancient system I also know many are still running machines that are a lot older and I would like to keep them current also. If you have any problems displaying or running any of the plug-ins or scripts please let me know. It doesn't necessarily mean that I can or will change them but it will give me direction for future development.
I hope you find your visit here both entertaining and helpful. It is my wish to bring to you a starting point for all you wish to enjoy in the arts and sciences whether or not I was a contributor in the content or just pointing to "good stuff". So, browse around, discover, contribute, invest some time and leave me a note if you find this site worthwhile.
One last note. This site is and probably will be under development for as long as I live (or longer if someone takes it over) so please excuse me if there seem to be areas that are lacking in content. I will be adding to this site continually and so I will say caution, this site is Under Construction.
Thanx, Marty.
Now for the commercials: (last updated Sep. 4, 2018)
If you think you need all kinds of sophisticated equipment to produce artwork, come see Michael Carey's astounding pencil work. His capture of real life, nature and Americana is a thrill to anyone who appreciates true fine art. Prints, and Originals when available, are for sale.
Check out Al's K3ACZ HAM Radio web page on the Dombrowski Family website.
Fear not what is before thee, but embrace your creative endeavor, for eternally you are that piece of that grand puzzle.
William Darwin Marsh
Site last updated 01/28/04